Baldur’s Gate: The Moronic Decisions That Haunt Players

Ever made a decision in Baldur's Gate that makes you feel like a complete moron? Dive into the hilarious mishaps and blunders shared by players in this Reddit post.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a journey through the twisted tales of player mishaps in Baldur’s Gate. From misguided strategies to unintentional disasters, the community shares their moments of moronic brilliance.


  • Players inadvertently cause chaos in-game due to misjudged decisions.
  • From tactical blunders to narrative gaffes, the Reddit post reveals humorous insights.
  • Community bonding over shared experiences of feeling like a moron in Baldur’s Gate.

Baldur’s Blunders

One player, softgunforever, shared a tale of unintended consequences during a decisive moment in Act 3. Their attempt to be non-lethal resulted in catastrophic collateral damage, leaving them dumbfounded and bemused at their own actions.

Misguided Misadventures

crockofpot recounted a moment of mistakenly hitting the wrong button in a critical scenario, leading to unexpected outcomes that mirrored a classic blunder. The community resonated with tales of strategic errors and narrative missteps, fostering a sense of camaraderie through shared moronic moments.

Fateful Follies

AtroposNostromo’s whimsical yet misguided decisions shed light on the humorous side of player choices, showcasing the fine line between genius and foolishness in Baldur’s Gate. The community embraced the mishaps, turning them into memorable anecdotes that bind players together in laughter and understanding.

In the vast world of Baldur’s Gate, where decisions hold weight and consequences linger, players find solace in commiserating over their moronic exploits. As each player navigates the complexities of the game, the shared experiences of folly create a tapestry of laughter and camaraderie that transcends individual missteps. Whether through misguided strategies or unintended actions, the community unites in the collective embrace of their moronic brilliance, forging bonds that celebrate both triumphs and failures in equal measure.