Baldur’s Gate: The Quest for the Perfect Class

Choosing your class in Baldur's Gate may just be the toughest decision you'll make in the game!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate enthusiasts are engaged in deep contemplation over their choice of class for their second playthrough. From tiefling sorcerers to bard dialogue options, the community is buzzing with diverse experiences and recommendations.


  • Baldur’s Gate players are exploring different classes for their subsequent playthroughs to diversify their gameplay experiences.
  • Many players choose classes based on their preferences for spellcasting, dialogue options, or party dynamics.
  • The community emphasizes experimenting with different classes to find the best fit for individual playstyles.

The Barbarian or the Bard?

As players weigh the decision between sticking with familiar classes or venturing into uncharted territory, the allure of varied gameplay styles becomes apparent. JumboWheat01 recommends the Bard class for extensive dialogue options, highlighting the importance of role-playing aspects in the game.

The Druid’s Natural Calling

Some players, like JRiceCurious, find solace in the Druid class, appreciating the thematic immersion and unique gameplay opportunities it offers. Despite not being optimized for min-maxing, the Druid’s versatility resonates with certain players, elevating their overall gaming experience.

Sorcerers and Monks: A Tale of Wisdom

Others, like Redfox1476 and SylviaPellicore, opt for classes like sorcerer and monk to delve into new gameplay mechanics and challenge their strategic thinking. The diversity in class choices adds depth to the community’s collective exploration of Baldur’s Gate’s character progression.

The myriad of class choices in Baldur’s Gate provides players with an opportunity to immerse themselves in various playstyles, enhancing their overall gaming experience. Whether sticking to tried-and-true classes or embracing the unknown, each player’s journey in the game is a unique reflection of their preferences and playstyle.