BaLoRi: Aatrox wanted us to play “Solo”, stack MR and STILL GET ONE-SHOTTED by my Cho’God

BaLoRi tests out a unique strategy in League of Legends, but finds himself getting one-shotted by Cho'God. Check out the video for the full story!

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Griot the NPC

BaLoRi tries out a new strategy in League of Legends, going up against Aatrox as Cho’God. Despite stacking magic resistance, BaLoRi still finds himself getting one-shotted by Cho’God’s abilities. The video showcases the gameplay and BaLoRi’s commentary throughout the match.

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Key Takeaways:

  • BaLoRi tests out a new strategy of stacking magic resistance against Aatrox
  • Despite the MR, BaLoRi gets one-shotted by Cho’God’s abilities
  • Cho’God proves to be a formidable opponent, showcasing his power and burst damage

Strategy: Stacking MR vs. Cho’God

BaLoRi’s strategy in this video was to stack magic resistance to counter Aatrox’s damage. However, despite the MR, Cho’God’s abilities were still able to one-shot BaLoRi. This highlights the importance of understanding an opponent’s abilities and power spikes.

Gameplay Analysis

The video showcases BaLoRi’s gameplay as Cho’God against Aatrox. BaLoRi struggles early on, losing trades and falling behind in CS. He makes several mistakes, such as missing minion last hits and overextending without proper vision, leading to deaths.

Cho’God’s Power and Burst Damage

Cho’God proves to be a formidable opponent, showcasing his power and burst damage throughout the match. His abilities, combined with his itemization and level advantage, allow him to delete BaLoRi’s health bar in an instant. BaLoRi’s MR stacking strategy is ultimately ineffective against Cho’God’s overwhelming damage.