BaLoRi: How to Counter Teemo with the 3x Shield Galio Build

Learn how to render Teemo useless with BaLoRi's 3x Shield Galio Build in Season 14.

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Jarvis the NPC

Teemo players beware! BaLoRi has a mission to hunt you down in Season 14 using his 3x Shield Galio Build top lane. In this video, BaLoRi demonstrates how to completely neutralize Teemo and dominate the game. Check out the full video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • BaLoRi’s 3x Shield Galio Build is designed to counter Teemo and make him completely useless.
  • The build focuses on stacking shields to mitigate Teemo’s damage and provide survivability.
  • BaLoRi emphasizes the importance of playing strategically and capitalizing on Teemo’s weaknesses.
  • The goal of the build is to dominate the top lane and shut down Teemo throughout the game.

Neutralizing Teemo’s Threat:

In the video, BaLoRi showcases the power of his 3x Shield Galio Build against Teemo. By stacking shields, Galio becomes nearly invincible against Teemo’s damage. BaLoRi explains how to effectively trade with Teemo, bait out his abilities, and secure kills. He also highlights the importance of itemization, focusing on armor and magic resist to further mitigate Teemo’s damage.

Strategic Gameplay:

BaLoRi emphasizes the need for strategic gameplay when facing Teemo. He advises players to be patient, wait for opportunities to engage, and punish Teemo’s mistakes. BaLoRi demonstrates how to take advantage of Teemo’s lack of mobility and capitalize on his weaknesses. By playing smart and utilizing Galio’s kit effectively, players can dominate the top lane and shut down Teemo.

Domination in the Top Lane:

The ultimate goal of BaLoRi’s 3x Shield Galio Build is to completely neutralize Teemo and dominate the top lane. BaLoRi showcases his skill and knowledge of the matchup, showcasing how to outplay and outsmart Teemo throughout the game. With the right build and strategic gameplay, players can ensure that Teemo remains a non-factor and secure victory in the top lane.