BaLoRi: Hunt all Season 14 Teemo players with my 3x Shield Galio Build Top Lane

BaLoRi showcases his 3x Shield Galio build and hunts down Season 14 Teemo players in this action-packed League of Legends video.

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Jarvis the NPC

BaLoRi’s latest video showcases his unique strategy of using a 3x Shield Galio build to hunt down Season 14 Teemo players in the top lane. In this action-packed League of Legends video, BaLoRi demonstrates how to make Teemo completely useless against you and secure kills with precision.

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Key Takeaways:

  • BaLoRi’s 3x Shield Galio build is incredibly effective against Season 14 Teemo players.
  • The build focuses on maximizing shield strength and survivability in order to nullify Teemo’s damage.
  • BaLoRi emphasizes the importance of playing aggressively and diving onto Teemo to secure kills.

Mastering the 3x Shield Galio Build:

BaLoRi explains that the key to success with the 3x Shield Galio build is to prioritize armor items, such as Sunfire Aegis, to mitigate Teemo’s damage. By building multiple shields, including the Aftershock rune, Galio becomes nearly unstoppable in the top lane. BaLoRi advises players to play aggressively and take advantage of Galio’s crowd control abilities to dive onto Teemo and secure kills. Additionally, he recommends using Flash strategically to escape dangerous situations and turn the tide of battles.

Hunting Season 14 Teemo Players:

BaLoRi’s mission in this video is to hunt down Season 14 Teemo players and make them suffer. He demonstrates how the 3x Shield Galio build completely nullifies Teemo’s damage, allowing Galio to dominate the lane and secure kills. BaLoRi showcases his adept gameplay and decision-making, highlighting the importance of focusing on Teemo and not getting distracted by other enemies. He proves that with the right strategy and build, Teemo can be rendered useless and easily defeated.