BaLoRi: My New Neeko Top Season 14 Build Guide is ABSOLUTELY OP

BaLoRi's latest video showcases an incredibly powerful Neeko top build for Season 14, packed with burst damage and instant death combos.

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Jarvis the NPC

BaLoRi’s latest video highlights a new Neeko top build for Season 14 that is absolutely overpowered. The video showcases the power of Neeko’s E + Q combo, which can instantly delete enemies.

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Key Takeaways:

  • This Neeko top build for Season 14 is incredibly strong and can secure kills with ease.
  • Mastering Neeko’s E + Q combo is crucial for maximizing damage output.
  • Mana management is important for sustaining Neeko’s abilities in lane.
  • Building items like Luden’s Echo and Liandry’s Anguish can greatly enhance Neeko’s burst damage potential.

Neeko’s Burst Damage Potential:

BaLoRi demonstrates the immense burst damage potential of Neeko’s E + Q combo in the video. By landing her E ability to root an enemy followed by her Q ability for a burst of damage, Neeko can instantly delete squishy opponents. This makes her a formidable force in the top lane and a threat to any unsuspecting enemy.

Mana Management:

In order to consistently utilize Neeko’s abilities and maximize her damage output, it’s important to effectively manage her mana. BaLoRi emphasizes the importance of stacking mana early on to ensure Neeko can spam her skills without running out of resources. This can be achieved through items like Tear of the Goddess and careful ability usage.

Recommended Items:

BaLoRi recommends building Luden’s Echo and Liandry’s Anguish on Neeko for Season 14. Luden’s Echo provides additional burst damage and cooldown reduction, while Liandry’s Anguish enhances Neeko’s damage over time and rewards extended fights. These items synergize well with Neeko’s kit and greatly amplify her damage potential.