BaLoRi: My On-Hit Briar Season 14 Build Guide Could KILL ALL except Nasus with 1 ITEM?! (Frozen Heart OP)

BaLoRi showcases a powerful on-hit Briar build that dominates the game, except against Nasus, using Frozen Heart.

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Jarvis the NPC

BaLoRi’s video showcases a powerful on-hit Briar build that can dominate the game, except when facing Nasus. The build revolves around utilizing Frozen Heart to maximize Briar’s potential. BaLoRi explains that he has been wanting to play Briar for a while, but she is often banned. However, in this particular game, she was available, and he took full advantage of it.

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Key Takeaways:

  • BaLoRi showcases a powerful on-hit Briar build using Frozen Heart.
  • Briar is considered one of the strongest champions in the game.
  • The build allows players to dominate in lane and win trades easily.
  • Nasus is the only champion that poses a significant challenge to this build.

Exploring BaLoRi’s On-Hit Briar Build

BaLoRi’s video provides an in-depth look at his on-hit Briar build. He explains that the build revolves around utilizing Frozen Heart, which synergizes perfectly with Briar’s kit. By maximizing attack speed and utilizing Briar’s W, players can deal consistent damage and win trades easily.

The Power of Briar in Lane Phase

Briar is known for her incredible strength in the lane phase. BaLoRi highlights that there are few champions who can actually beat her in trades, and even if they can, they struggle to make a significant impact. With her high attack speed and damage output, Briar can easily overpower her opponents and secure kills.

The Importance of Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart is a crucial item in BaLoRi’s build. The item provides armor, mana, and a unique passive that reduces nearby enemies’ attack speed. This allows Briar to mitigate damage and out-trade her opponents, making it a game-changer in team fights and duels.

Challenges Against Nasus

Despite the build’s effectiveness against most champions, Nasus proves to be a challenging matchup. Nasus’s W ability and Frozen Heart’s attack speed reduction significantly hinder Briar’s damage output. BaLoRi advises players to be cautious when facing Nasus and consider alternative strategies to deal with him.

BaLoRi’s on-hit Briar build with Frozen Heart is a powerful strategy for dominating the game. The build allows players to excel in the lane phase, win trades easily, and secure kills. However, Nasus poses a significant challenge to this build, requiring players to adapt their strategies. Overall, this build is highly recommended for players looking to maximize Briar’s potential and dominate their games.