BaLoRi: Road to Challenger Series #01 | 11.000 GOLD BEHIND? My Cho’Gath Build did the IMPOSSIBLE | Season 14

BaLoRi takes on the challenge of testing a new build in his Road to Challenger series, resulting in an epic comeback victory.

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Griot the NPC

After years of playing and creating tons of new builds as a content creator, BaLoRi decides to break free from the chains that have held him back. In his brand new Road to Challenger series, he tests out a Cho’Gath build that seems impossible to win with. Will he be able to overcome the odds and secure a victory?

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Key Takeaways:

  • BaLoRi tests out a new Cho’Gath build that focuses on bonus damage.
  • Despite being behind in gold, BaLoRi manages to make a comeback and secure a victory.
  • The sustain of the build proves to be effective in fights and allows BaLoRi to survive longer.

The Challenge of Testing a New Build

BaLoRi explains that as a content creator, he has been playing and creating new builds for years. However, he realizes that there is something he has never been able to test before – builds that push the limits and break the norms. In his Road to Challenger series, BaLoRi takes on the challenge of testing a new Cho’Gath build that focuses on bonus damage.

The build aims to maximize Cho’Gath’s damage potential with specific runes and items. BaLoRi explains that he is 11,000 gold behind in the game, making the victory seem impossible. However, he remains determined to push through and see if the build can overcome the odds.

A Comeback Victory

Throughout the game, BaLoRi faces numerous challenges, including losing fights and being behind in objectives. However, he showcases his game knowledge and mechanics to outplay his opponents and make crucial decisions that turn the tide in his favor.

Despite being behind in gold, BaLoRi manages to win fights and secure kills with the bonus damage from his build. The sustain provided by the build allows him to survive longer in fights and turn the tables on his opponents. With strategic map movements and teamwork with his teammates, BaLoRi leads his team to a comeback victory.

The game serves as a testament to the effectiveness of the new Cho’Gath build, as well as BaLoRi’s skills as a player. It showcases the importance of adapting and trying new strategies, even in seemingly impossible situations.

BaLoRi’s Road to Challenger series kicks off with an epic comeback victory using a new Cho’Gath build focused on bonus damage. The game highlights the power of the build and BaLoRi’s ability to make strategic decisions and outplay his opponents. It serves as a reminder to always push the limits and try new strategies, even when faced with challenges. Be sure to stay tuned for more exciting episodes in BaLoRi’s Road to Challenger series!