BananaSlamJamma: Analyzing the Latest Dota 2 Patch and Meta Update

Read on to discover the biggest winners and losers of the latest Dota 2 patch and how the meta has evolved.

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back everybody! Today, we’ll be diving into BananaSlamJamma’s latest video, where he provides a comprehensive analysis of the recent Dota 2 patch, 7.36 C, and how the meta has evolved in the past week. If you’re a Dota 2 enthusiast, this video is a must-watch!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Dark Willow, Lifestealer, and Tinker are among the heroes hit hard by the latest patch, with significant nerfs to their abilities and items.
  • Phantom Assassin received a few buffs, making her a potential contender in the meta once again.
  • Sand King, Wrath King, and Faceless Void have seen a rise in popularity due to their buffed abilities and increased win rates.
  • Certain heroes, like Windranger and Wyvern, are excelling as versatile right-clickers and counter initiators in team fights.

The Current Meta:

The current meta revolves around high-tempo, snowballing carries, roaming melee supports, and active midlaners. Offlaners focus on pressuring the enemy carry and controlling key areas of the map. It’s crucial to understand the optimal strategies and roles for each position to gain an edge in the game.

Carries, such as Ursa and Faceless Void, prioritize survival in the laning stage and farm to build items for their team. Offlaners like Dark Seer, Broodmother, and Enigma apply constant pressure and dominate the map. Supports, such as Windranger and Wyvern, excel as right-clickers and provide counter initiation in team fights.

By understanding and adapting to this evolving meta, players can gain a significant advantage over their opponents. Stay tuned for more meta updates and tournament analysis from BananaSlamJamma!