BananaSlamJamma: The Best Facets in Dota 2

Read our blog post summarizing BananaSlamJamma's video on the best facets in Dota 2, including key takeaways and analysis of each facet.

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Welcome back to our coverage of BananaSlamJamma’s facet series! In this video, BananaSlamJamma dives into the best facets for intelligence heroes in Dota 2. Let’s take a closer look at his insights and recommendations.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Ancient Apparition: The Bone Chill facet is better for both support and core roles, while the Exposure facet got nerfed.
  • Crystal Maiden: The Frozen Expands facet is generally better, but Cold Comfort can be useful with heroes that require extra mana.
  • Death Prophet: The Spear Collector facet is the clear choice, as the Suppress facet is not as impactful.
  • Disruptor: Thunderstorm is preferred over Kinetic Fence, as the latter is less versatile and doesn’t synergize well with Static Storm.

Ancient Apparition: The Bone Chill Facet

BananaSlamJamma explains that the Bone Chill facet is superior for both support and core Ancient Apparition players. This facet removes enemy strength with each stack of Death Rime, making it incredibly useful for a hero that already excels at killing enemies with low HP thresholds. In comparison, the Exposure facet got nerfed and now only provides farm speed after reaching level 12, making it less viable for both support and core roles.

Crystal Maiden: The Frozen Expands Facet

BananaSlamJamma recommends the Frozen Expands facet for Crystal Maiden players. This facet increases her cast range and provides an AOE bonus, making all of her spells more effective. While the Cold Comfort facet can be useful with heroes that require extra mana, such as Lycan or Storm Spirit, the Frozen Expands facet is generally better for its overall versatility and spell buffs.

Death Prophet: The Spear Collector Facet

The Spear Collector facet is the clear choice for Death Prophet players, according to BananaSlamJamma. This facet turns dying heroes into spirits that deal more damage than normal spirits. The alternative facet, Suppress, only applies a silence and movement speed slow, which is less impactful in most situations. BananaSlamJamma suggests that the Spear Collector facet is strictly better, as the slow from Suppress becomes less relevant as the game progresses, while Spear Collector remains useful at all stages.

Disruptor: Thunderstorm Facet

BananaSlamJamma recommends the Thunderstorm facet for Disruptor players. This facet makes Thunder Strike hit all enemies within the kinetic field, providing better AOE damage. The alternative facet, Kinetic Fence, creates a wall instead of a circle, but it is less versatile and doesn’t synergize well with Static Storm. BananaSlamJamma suggests that Thunderstorm is the clear choice, as most players neglect the usefulness of Kinetic Fence.

These are just a few of the facets discussed in BananaSlamJamma’s video. Be sure to check out the full video for more insights and recommendations on the best facets in Dota 2. Stay tuned for our next blog post covering the universal facets in the game!