Battle Memories: First r20 in Brawl Stars by Brawl Community

Brawl Stars players share their nostalgic stories of their first victories in the r20 league.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is not just a video game; it’s an integral part of its community’s identity. Part of the fun comes from the shared experiences and the communal exchange of stories, such as the one started by vladee1 about getting their first r20, a milestone in every Brawler’s journey.


  • This post sparked interesting discussions and trips down memory lane.
  • The commenters mostly gave supportive reactions, though some pointed out how character balance changes over time can affect experiences.
  • The overall sentiment was positive and nostalgic, and the commenter’s favorite first r20 characters varied widely.

First Victors

Interestingly, Evening_Upstairs_680 and PocketPlayerHCR2 were split between El Primo and Nita, or Shelly for their first champions, highlighting how tough the decision can be when starting out.

Character Opinions

The community was quick to express their nostalgia and humor. “Primo, back when he was actually good,” confessed Crayola_Eater1, reminding us that character tiers can indeed change over time. They also discussed how characters such as Bert were perceived, with TrafficFunny3860 saying that Bert was “over nerfed” and Frank needed a buff.

Throwback Stories

People also threw back to their first r20 journeys, like Artistboi485 who said, “Shelly, all the way back in 2020”. It is the remembrance of these little victories that adds a personal touch to a seemingly never-ending Brawl journey. W-MK29 called his Bull’s achievement back in the days a “grind”. And some, like adiinavve, who now stands at 60k, simply can’t recall their first r20!

Brawl Stars players, both new and veterans, share a sense of camaraderie and the joys of growth in the game. They have taken to sharing and celebrating their accomplishments – a testament to the game’s community-oriented nature.