BattleBit: Born to Wave the Flag – A Disscussion among Players

An insightful blog post on BattleBit players' discussions on memorable gaming experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

As you dive into the world of BattleBit, the post by YourChopperPilotTTV titled “sOMe FOlkS ArE bORn MAdE tO Wave tHe FlaG” gives gamers a platform to reminisce about their favorite in-game moments and soundtracks.


  • The post provoked a positive sentiment amongst the gaming community in the subreddit. The comments reveal cherished memories which are speckled with humor and light-hearted banter.
  • Several users shared their favorite background songs that elevate their gaming experience like ‘Fortunate Son’ and ‘Bird is the Word’.
  • The evident camaraderie suggests a deep-seated appreciation and shared understanding of the BattleBit gaming ambiance.

Fond Memories

Player ItakeBigBongoHits420 shares a memento referring to ‘Fortunate Son’ playing in the background during the initial game round. This was hailed by others as well, cementing its fame within the BattleBit community.

Song Suggestions

Mizores_fanboy suggests additional song options that resonate with different gaming situations, exposing the players’ versatile taste in music which could arguably influence gameplay.

A Shared Understanding

Ive_seen_A_Thing‘s comment stands out as a poignant sentiment echoing throughout the game’s community; it’s not about the failures, it’s about the charge, the fight, the camaraderie.

Having soaked in the BattleBit community’s musings, one can’t help but recognize the significant role of music in enhancing gameplay experience. The shared understanding and songs striking a chord amongst players remind us why some folks are indeed born to wave the flag. Gaming is not just restricted to the gameplay; it envelops players into a world filled with melodious memories that enhance both the battle strategy and comradery.