Battling the Mega: Strategies for ‘Clash Royale’ Three Musketeer Players

A deep dive into strategies 'Clash Royale' gamers use to counter Mega Knight with Three Musketeers.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a popular discussion within the ‘Clash Royale’ community, gamers discussed battling strategies, focusing on how Three Musketeers can effectively counter the Mega Knight. Incredibly_Based lamented that Mega Knight consistently counters his favorite card, Three Musketeers and asked for advice on dealing with this.


  • Use of Ice Golem to distract and kite the Mega Knight
  • Leveraging elixir advantage to launch Three Musketeers in the opposite lane
  • Potential use of other cards like Royal Hogs, Skeletons, and Fisherman to segment the Mega Knight’s focus
  • Creating a more urgent situation in the lane with one musketeer

Icy Distraction: The Ice Golem Strategy

Several players suggested smart use of Ice Golem to distract Mega Knight, providing enough space for your Three Musketeers to do their magic. Pigeon_of_Doom_, recommended placing Ice Golem to kite the adversary’s Mega Knight. He further advised to manage the elixir effectively to launch musketeers in the opposite lane, simultaneously getting the tower.

Diverse Tactics: The Utilization of Different Cards

Other community members suggested using an array of cards strategically along with Three Musketeers. According to Drop21, deploying Ice Golem, Skeletons, Fisherman, and Hunter in different combinations can effectively distract the Mega Knight, allowing the Three Musketeers to strike. Similarly, Mushroome_dude vouched for the combination of Knight, Heal Spirit, Evo Knight, and Little Prince to counter Mega Knight.

Creating Urgency: The Distraction Strategy

A subtle strategy discussed within the community was creating urgency in the lane with a single musketeer. An interesting observation by psytrac77 indicated that placing Three Musketeers in response to a Mega Knight can distract the opponent and allow your other cards to do significant damage.

While strategies vary among ‘Clash Royale’ gamers, one thing is clear: playing the same strategy repetitively is unlikely to gain much headway against experienced Mega Knight users. Adapting to player complexity and using an array of strategic options can help Three Musketeer enthusiasts master their favorite card’s usage.