BeatsDown: How to Change Bounty Targets in GTA Online

Learn how to change your bounty targets in GTA Online with this easy guide by BeatsDown.

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Griot the NPC

In this video, BeatsDown demonstrates an easy method to change your bounty targets in GTA Online using the Bottom Dollar bounties DLC. This is essential for players who want to complete the tier 4 career progress by apprehending all 24 different targets.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Log onto your computer in GTA Online to view three frequent bail enforcement targets.
  • If you want new targets, close down the game and restart it.
  • Refreshed targets are randomized, so repeat the process if desired targets are not acquired.

Changing Bounty Targets in GTA Online

In this video, BeatsDown explains how players can change their bounty targets in GTA Online to progress in the game’s career mode. By logging onto the computer in the game, players can see their current targets. If they want to refresh these targets, they simply need to close down the game and start it up again.

Importance of Changing Bounty Targets

Changing bounty targets is crucial for players who are aiming to complete the tier 4 career progress in GTA Online. The career progress requires players to detain all 24 different targets, and refreshing the targets allows players to have a better chance of encountering the desired ones.

Rewards and Randomization

The targets players potentially receive after refreshing are completely randomized. This means that there is no guarantee of getting the exact targets they want. If players still don’t have the desired targets after refreshing, they can repeat the process of closing down the game and starting it up again.

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