Best Games to Play Post-Story – Gaming News Review

Discover the top games that keep players engaged even after completing the main story. Find out what the Reddit community recommends!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you tired of finishing a game and feeling like there’s nothing left to do? Well, fear not, fellow gamers, for the Reddit community has come to the rescue with suggestions on which games remain fun even after beating the story!


  • Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag and Red Dead Redemption 1 captivate players with side activities.
  • Hades offers everlasting enjoyment for many gamers.
  • Hitman: World of Assassination provides endless mission possibilities beyond the main story.

Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag and Red Dead Redemption 1

The sundance19 mentions engaging in Skate 3, GTA V, and Farcry 5 post-story, opening the floodgates for experiences beyond the narrative.

Hades – The Forever Game

ViniVadaVocci expresses eternal love for Hades, highlighting its timeless appeal and replay value.

Hitman: World of Assassination – A Multi-faceted Adventure

Nubian_Cavalry dives into the complexity of Hitman, emphasizing the game’s expansive content and replayability.

No matter the genre, these games offer something extra for players hungry for more!