Best GT Style Wheels for VRS Wheelbase in Sim Racing – Top Recommendations

Looking for the best GT style wheel for your VRS wheelbase in sim racing? Check out these top recommendations and make the right choice!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you searching for the perfect GT style wheel for your VRS wheelbase in sim racing? Look no further as the community has some great suggestions to offer!


  • Simagic GT Neo and Cube Controls F-Core are popular choices.
  • Cube Controls offers a range of quality wheels including the Mercedes Amg GT wheel.
  • Options like GSI X-29 and Lunatech AMG GT3 provide faithful replicas of real GT wheels.

Simagic GT Neo – A Top Contender

The Simagic GT Neo is highly praised by users for its performance and quality. One user mentioned, ‘Simagic GT Neo has to be on the list.’ Its features make it a top contender for GT style wheels.

Cube Controls F-Core vs. F-Pro

Users have compared the Cube Controls F-Core and F-Pro, with many favoring the F-Core for its design and functionality. One user shared, ‘I liked the GSI wheel the most but it doesn’t have thumb encoders.’ The F-Core offers a balance of features and price, making it a popular choice.

Lunatech AMG GT3 – Faithful Reproduction

The Lunatech AMG GT3 is highlighted for its faithful reproduction of the actual AMG GT3 rim. Users appreciate the attention to detail and quality of this wheel, showcasing the variety available in the market.

Get the cube Merc rim, or the lunatech AMG GT3 which is a faithful repro of the actual AMG GT3 rim. I love my X-29, but there’s tons of awesome options out there from GSI, Cube, Ascher etc…