Best Last Epoch Builds and Endgame Mechanics for New Players

New player in Last Epoch? Discover the best builds and endgame mechanics to kickstart your journey.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring Last Epoch for the first time? The user seeks advice on which builds to try and essential endgame mechanics…


  • Advice on trying different builds without worrying about nerfs
  • Emphasis on independent leveling and creating unique synergies
  • Comparison to other ARPGs like PoE and Diablo 4

Build Recommendations

Users suggest exploring various builds without fear of major nerfs, highlighting the game’s flexibility and forgiving nature compared to hardcore ARPGs like Path of Exile.

Endgame Mechanics

Emphasis is placed on self-discovery, creativity, and the absence of complex mechanics, offering a fresh and enjoyable ARPG experience.

Trading and Preparation

Trading and preparation are minimal, with suggestions to choose between solo-found and trading-oriented factions, each offering unique gameplay benefits.