Best Legends to Have on Your Team in Apex Legends, According to Reddit

Who do Apex Legends players want on their team? Reddit users share their thoughts on the best Legends to have as teammates.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are always curious about which Legends their teammates should pick to secure a victory. A Reddit post by user Lumpy-Job-1238 sparked a lively discussion on the topic.


  • Support Legends like Conduit and Lifeline are appreciated for their value in team fights.
  • Players have varied preferences, from Horizon’s aggressive playstyle to Lifeline’s supportive role.
  • A well-played Crypto can feel like cheating due to their game-changing abilities.

Conduit: The Versatile Support

Many players highlighted Conduit for her flexibility, offering both offensive and defensive support. Imaginary-Ad-9924 praised Conduit’s ability to adapt to different playstyles, citing her as a valuable asset in any team composition.

The Power of Support

Support Legends like Lifeline and Conduit received widespread praise for their utility in team fights. Players noted the importance of having at least one support character to enhance team survivability and offensive capabilities.

Varying Preferences

While some players preferred traditional support roles, others like WalrusEmergency5409 suggested exploring new gameplay styles due to the game’s evolving meta. The diversity of opinions showcased the game’s dynamic nature.

A Winning Combination

CLAYTILL767 highlighted the impact of a skilled Crypto player, emphasizing that a good Crypto can turn the tide of a match. This sentiment was echoed by many players who experienced firsthand the influence of a strategic Crypto on the battlefield.