Best Open World Arcade Game for Sim Racing in VR | Top Picks 2021

Looking for an arcade open-world game for cruising in VR? Check out these top picks and join the fun!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts are on the hunt for an open-world arcade game for cruising in VR. With the limitations of current options like Forza Horizon and BeamNG, the community is seeking the ideal virtual driving experience.


  • Community seeks open-world arcade game with VR & steering wheel support
  • Recurring theme of difficulties with current options like Forza Horizon & BeamNG
  • Players recommend games like Assetto Corsa, Test Drive Unlimited, and Euro Truck Simulator 2 for VR cruising
  • Desire for a populated server for cruising with friends

Assetto Corsa + Bella Vista Map

One user suggests Assetto Corsa with the Bella Vista map, providing 250km+ of enjoyable driving. Full damage, tire wear, and fuel consumption add to the realism, enhancing the cruising experience.

ATS and ETS2 in VR

Another user recommends American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2 for VR cruising. These games offer wheel support and expandable maps, providing a relaxing and immersive driving experience.

Community Wishes

Players express the desire for populated servers dedicated to cruising with friends. The nostalgia of past experiences in open-world servers fuels the need for a similar environment in current games.

Final Thoughts

Sim Racing fans are eager for an open-world arcade game that fully supports VR and steering wheel setups. While existing options fall short, the community remains hopeful and continues to explore alternatives for the ultimate cruising experience.