Best Sim Racing Setup Reddit Discussion – Rate My Setup

Delve into the world of sim racing setups on Reddit. Rate, critique, and discuss setups with fellow enthusiasts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts on Reddit share their opinions on a user’s setup, rating the monitors and discussing the unique features.


  • Users critique monitor setup.
  • Discussion on unique features like levers.
  • Questions raised about the functionality of levers.

Monitors: A Point of Contention

Many Redditors pointed out the uneven placement of monitors, questioning their positioning and impact on gameplay. User Appropriate-Owl5984 commented, ‘Those monitors are weird. And don’t appear to be even.’

Levers: Uncovering the Functionality

Blukoodi identified the setup as a two-part rig with levers for removing the seat portion. This design element sparked curiosity among users, with AzeTheGreat asking, ‘What are the levers for?’

Engaging Discussions

Sim Racing enthusiasts continue to engage in lively discussions, offering feedback, asking questions, and sharing insights into various setup components.