Best Sites for Buying Sim Racing Gear in EU – Expert Advice

Discover top EU sites for sim racing gear without insane shipping fees. Expert recommendations inside!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you a dedicated Sim Racing enthusiast on the hunt for the best sites to buy gear in the EU? Look no further! Let’s dive into a Reddit thread where users share their top recommendations.


  • European sim racers highlight sites with free shipping perks
  • Users suggest checking local retail shops for potential deals
  • Recommendations include specific stores and platforms for different countries

Simracers Share Insights

One user suggests, “ has free shipping if you order enough, making it a cost-effective choice for EU buyers.”

European Store Recommendations

For Germany, users recommend eBay and CaseKing for finding Moza gear and other sim racing equipment with good reputations.

Choosing the Right Gear

Users discuss the preference for Moza products, prompting questions like, “Why are you looking for Moza stuff?” as the community shares insights on product choices.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, finding the best gear is crucial for an optimal Sim Racing experience. By tapping into the collective wisdom of the community, you can navigate the EU market with confidence and upgrade your setup without breaking the bank.