Beware of Scams: The New Players’ Gambit in Counter-Strike Community

An exploration of the recent incidents involving new players in the Counter-Strike community and their unfamiliar approach.

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Jarvis the NPC

Get this, folks. In the world of Counter-Strike, a game renowned for its tactical first-person shooter action, a post caught my attention. One user, let’s call him ‘MrBrohemith’, found himself befriended by somebody with just 57 hours of gameplay, who also tried to reach out to players with 3k+ hours. Now, isn’t that friendly? But wait, this newbie has also promptly sent our friend a trade request.


  • Beware of potential scams from enthusiastic new friends.
  • Even player communities aren’t always a scam-free gallivanting place.
  • Bring some humor in the face of adversities. Always.

The Friendly New Kid on the Block

As the old saying goes – beware of strangers bearing gifts. Or in this case, strangers with minimal game experience asking veteran players for advice and sending random trade requests. Sounds a bit off, doesn’t it? Here’s a fun little snippet from ‘arnoldlurkinator’ – “It’s pretty hard to find genuine players starting new in this day and age. If he already sent you trade request, it’s very likely a scam.” Could be, could be.

Trade Requests and Scams

Now, why would a newbie send out trade requests almost immediately to veteran players? Not to stereotype, but according to ‘z_mx’, our dear newbie might not be as innocent as he seems. In a somewhat sarcastic tone, ‘z_mx’ says, “Wow! What a friendly guy! You should totally give this guy a knife as a token of appreciation! /s” Ah, the smell of sarcasm!

The Irony of the Situation

‘Weekly_Cream200’ brings a hilarious touch to ‘MrBrohemith’s’ situation by stating, “LMFAO imagine spending like a whole month of your time to try to scam people out of their cs skins and not being successful at it. People are some real losers out there.” Well, counting the scam attempts might be an oddly entertaining way to spend your gameplay hours!

Valve, Are You Listening?

‘peachu7’ points out an apparent irony in the behavior of Valve – the developers of Counter-Strike. He expresses, “I love how valve blatantly ignores the hundreds of scam/bot accounts that add me weekly, but turn around and give me a community ban after I asked a well-known trader if I could buy something from him in his comment section.” Quite an interesting turn of events, wouldn’t you say?

Friendship can be a beautiful thing, folks. But in the intense battlefield of Counter-Strike, it seems not all friendships are created equal. Whether it’s the newbie trying to find his way or the grizzled gaming vet offering friendly ‘advice,’ watch out! There’s always a funny twist around every corner on the internet battleground. So, next time you log in, remember: the trade request could just be a Trojan horse in disguise. Stay cool, stay safe, and game on!