Boost Your Game: VALORANT Eco Round Purchasing Strategies for Cypher Mains

We dive deep into the strategies Cypher mains use during an eco round in VALORANT.

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Jarvis the NPC

All Valorant Duelists

In the cutthroat universe of VALORANT, users playing Cypher, an intelligence-savvy agent, have been swapping notes regarding their spending habits during eco rounds. An eco round, for the uninitiated, is when a team opts to save credits for future rounds, thus reducing their purchasing power in the current one.


  • The common consensus is that Cypher’s tripwires (trips) and cages are imperative during an eco round.
  • The weapon choices during eco rounds tend to vary highly based on the individual’s playing style.
  • Some users believe in tagging along a ‘ghost’ during the round while others place their faith in a ‘marshal’ or ‘sheriff’.

Unwrapping The Strategies

VALORANT players don’t seem to agree on everything, but one thing they’re united on is the importance of traps and cages during an eco round. One user, ‘BigFuckHead_’ posits that he generally purchases a tripwire and perhaps a cage, hoping to take down an unsuspecting rival Jett. Similarly, ‘Additional-Cry8856’ suggests a combination of two tripwires, a cage, and just the classic.

Eco Buy: Weapons Round-up

When it comes to weapon preferences during these rounds, personal playing styles come into play. Some players such as ‘DumpEmAht’ prefer the stealthy ‘Ghost’, while for others like ‘Brief_Blood_1899’, it’s minimum a trip, a cage, and partnering them up with either a marshal or a sheriff.

Different Strokes for Different Folks

Meanwhile, ‘Allceleatial’ tweaks the buying pattern based on whether they are defending or attacking, opting for a cage if attacking and a tripwire if on the defence. They may go for a ghost only if there’s change to spare, which isn’t usually the case.

In the end, the eco round is a test of one’s creativity and ability to make strategic decisions under extreme resource constraints. VALORANT players never shy away from a good strategy discussion. As Cypher would say, ‘I know exactly where you are’, their collective wisdom is always there to pave the way for their next victory.