Brawl Stars Colors Controversy: Fans Express Their Thoughts

Brawl Stars players discuss the animated trio's colors causing quite a stir. Are the hues really that bad?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Brawl Stars, one Reddit post about the arcade trio’s colors sparks a heated debate. User LAction_ ignites the conversation, expressing dissatisfaction with the hues, leading to a series of humorous and varied reactions from the community.


  • Users debate over the color choices, some finding them displeasing while others appreciate the unique designs.
  • The community showcases a blend of humor and critique when discussing the characters’ appearances.
  • Comparisons to real-life figures and artistic references add to the fun and quirky nature of the conversation.

Color Controversy

Users like 0-acceleration poke fun at the character designs, questioning the peculiar heads, which sparks lighthearted banter in the comments.

User Opinions

The user blauweninja8 finds the redesigns superior to previous versions, indicating a range of subjective preferences among players.

Artistic Interpretations

Bhavs– amusingly likens Rico to a French painter, adding a touch of cultural humor to the discussion.

Final Thoughts

The Brawl Stars community demonstrates a blend of critical analysis and comedic relief when critiquing character designs. While opinions may vary, the shared enthusiasm for the game shines through the humorous exchanges and artistic interpretations.