Brawl Stars Community in a Frenzy: Imagining New Tutorials and More!

Following an intriguing post in the Brawl Stars community, we explore users' reactions, humor, and imaginative takes on tutorials.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Brawl Stars community always knows how to stir up excitement. In this case, the hubbub centers around a post simply titled ‘Imagine if this was the tutorial’ by user ‘justin_enjoys_music’. His eloquent silence in the post’s body sparked a wildfire of reactions, filled with humor and speculation.


  • Humor and speculation run amok in the comment section.
  • Members creatively fill in the blank left by the author’s non-existent post content.
  • A few ‘IP Leak’ jokes are shared, drawing on gaming world tropes.

Comment Highlights

As usual, the community’s humor was on full display. User ‘Toxic_Charlie_main’ commented, ‘What a great way to start a new game!’, instilling a sense of playful ambiguity. Then there was ‘Negative_Magician_44’, who jokingly thanked the post author for ‘leaking supercell hq IP’ and expressed an intention to ‘raid the location’. This comment, found here, reflects the creative silliness community members display even in the face of uncertain circumstances.

Filling the Blank

Increase the mystery, and the community’s imagination runs wild. User ‘Meow21356’, alluding to the post’s imagined content, warned, ‘great job. you chose 8-bit for tutorial. now he has your ip and will nuke you.’ Let’s hope our devices are safe from 8-bit’s wrath! There’s also ‘Masterdizzio’s’ paranoid claim that 8-Bit showed up at his house and tried to kill him.

Playing with Tropes

Mock IP leaking was a favorite trope in this comment section. ‘Friendly_Edgar_Main’ accused the author of ‘leaking peoples IP’, while ‘AggravatingBed2487’ was more specific with his imagined Brawl Stars metric, stating ‘8-Bit Hypercharge:’. These, combined with other comments, contributed to a playful post-thread that shone a light on Brawl Stars gaming culture.

With their imaginative humor and playful banter, the Brawl Stars community has once again shown that even in the face of mystery and speculation, they know how to make the best out of any post. From mock IP leaks, to invented game metrics, the community took a silent post and turned it into an engaging and entertaining brainstorm. It’s this fun-loving spirit that keeps the Brawl Stars community vibrant and lively, showing that they’re not just about the game—they’re about having a good time, together.