Brawl Stars: Community Picks for Best Official Animation

Discover the top favorite official animations as chosen by the Brawl Stars community!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars enthusiasts recently engaged in a heated discussion about the best official animations in the game. Let’s dive into the community’s top picks and why they resonate with players.


  • The Rico and Vending Machine Animation
  • The Mortis Halloween Animations
  • The Good Randoms Music Video
  • Star Toon Studios

Rico and Vending Machine Animation

Nine9king9 raved about the humor and creativity in this animation, highlighting its entertainment value.

Barley’s Last Call and Sugar and Spice

Masterdizzio praised these animations for capturing the essence of the characters and providing a delightful viewing experience.

The Brawl-o-Ween Animation

Masterdizzio also found multiple aspects to love in this animation, from clever foreshadowing to endearing character interactions.