Brawl Stars Community Voices: Increasing Star Drops, Yes or No?

Discover how the Brawl Stars community feels about increasing Star Drops from a viral post on a popular gaming forum.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

The players on Brawl Stars have once again taken to the airwaves with their thoughts. A particular post by a user named spaiku_bs called for the ‘Buff Star Drops 3 -> 4’ and has ignited quite the debate.


  • Various users felt that the new Star Drops buff suggestion would simplify gameplay and rewards tiers.
  • Others were initially skeptical, expressing concern over potentially worsening drop rates.
  • The general consensus though was a leaning towards a positive change.

Comments Highlight

User ‘Ciao_Mario’ simply exclaimed, ‘*RARE*‘ presumably indicating an excitement towards the proposal. Similarly, JCorby17 suggested ‘1 Win, 3 Wins, 5 Wins, 8 Wins. Nice and Simple.‘ hinting at a tiered Star Drop.

Discussion Note

There was also humorous disdain towards the author’s apparent karma fishing, as illustrated by user ‘OtisFan013’ in a comment ‘Like it please :)?!??!?!? IS THIS A KARMA FARM!?!??!??!?! Not upvoting… *upvotes anyway*‘.

Points of Contention

A user ‘Averagehanklover’ initially expressed mixed feelings, citing that a buff might lead to unnecessary grind, but after reconsideration, they changed their mind and supported the proposal ‘I’m mixed, it can be good but also, why would you want 4 trash stuff per day instead of 3, that you have to grind EVEN more to get?…‘.

The Brawl Stars community truly represents a vibrant and passionate group of gamers, always discussing, debating, and bringing alive the gaming world. This banter on Star Drops is just a glimpse into their engaging dynamics. Upon weighing the perspectives from different angles, we can see that the idea of Buff Star Drops 3 -> 4 has generally been well-received. It would simplify things and enhance the reward tiers, improving the overall gaming experience. While some concerns about increasing grind were raised, the consensus leans toward the view that these fears are out of place.