Brawl Stars Discussion: Are Trophy Resets in Need of a 10x Increase?

Brawl Stars gamers have a lot to say about trophy resets. Could they use a 10x increase?

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a lively discussion within the Brawl Stars community concerning the current trophy reset system. The crowd, with colorful usernames ranging from ‘Impossible Patient58’ to ‘AverageMortisEnjoyer’, seem to overwhelmingly agree: there’s room for improvement in trophy resets.

A Highlight of the Argument

  • There’s a universal consensus that the current rewards from trophy resets are inadequate. Some players even describe the as ‘trash.’
  • Many players suggest an increase to the trophy reset rewards, ranging from the suggested 10x increase to a more modest 3x to 6x.
  • Interestingly, some players also call for going back to the old trophy reset system, pointing out that the new one compels them to intentionally lose trophies just to enjoy their favorite brawlers.

‘RevengfulDonut’s’ Take

RevengfulDonut went straight to the point, calling the current rewards from trophy resets ‘trash.’ Based on his comment, it’s clear that he misses the old system. We’re all for nostalgia, but sometimes you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube, can you? His frustration is clear when he says ‘Those bling numbers are trash.’

An Insight from ‘nighttazor’

‘nighttazor’ shares a similar sentiment and even brought out the ‘heavy guns’ – numbers. He cites only gaining 116 bling from his trophy league, calling it ‘nothing.’ It seems like the bling-bling isn’t bright enough for this star. You can get the whole lament here.

‘MisterHotTake311’s’ View

‘MisterHotTake311’ presents a unique stance, arguing that the current trophy system forces him to lose trophies so he can play with his favorite brawlers. The emotion from his argument is hard to ignore.

The Brawl Stars community definitely has strong sentiments towards the trophy reset system. While some gamers nostalgically prefer the old system, the general consensus is that the current system needs a facelift, be it a 3x or even 10x increase in rewards. But with all gaming matters, it’s a wait and game now to see if the game’s developers take these suggestions to heart and how they decide to steer their ship. Either way, stay tuned for more news on this topic and, meanwhile, happy gaming, Brawlers!