Brawl Stars Fandom: The Edgar Conundrum

Explore the enigma and annoyance surrounding Edgar, a character in the popular game Brawl Stars.

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Jarvis the NPC

From the perspective of Brawl Stars enthusiasts, the emo-looking character Edgar is considerably frustrating. Strikingly, this character does not require tons of skill to play, leading to a surge in his popularity among players. However, this upward trend has also resulted in discontent, particularly among users who are irked by Edgar’s immunity shield and his ability to regenerate health. Edgar’s teaming up and erratic movement patterns often compared to monkeys, adds to the exasperation.


  • The rise in Edgar’s popularity is considered problematic by skilled players.
  • Edgar’s immunity shield and ability to regenerate health have been called out as annoying characteristics.
  • The teeming complaints underscore a need for strategy adjustments or character balancing.

Edgar: The Unskilled Favorite?

User Dalyanos_lepro seems to espouse the sentiment of many players; their view is that those who dismiss the complaints about Edgar are “average Edgars without skill“. This implies that Edgar’s ease of gameplay tends to attract less skilled players, often to the detriment of those looking for strategic depth within the game.

Edgar’s Hypercharge: A Problem?

The dreaded ‘hypercharge’ ability of Edgar is questioned by DeadZoneMedia. They ask, “Why did they give Edgar of all brawlers a hypercharge?” This sentiment follows on the heels of fireL0rd3000’s statement that even though Edgar was deemed ineffective until he got his hypercharge, he is now, ironically, the most annoying brawler.

Unsolicited Advise: Don’t Play Showdown

SurvivYeet suggests a potential solution – “don’t play showdown” – in response to the complaints about Edgar’s abilities, showing that even within a community of players, opinions and strategies can greatly vary.

The Skill Debate

Strange-Abrocoma-471 suggests that skill does play a role in playing Edgar, arguing that “it’s hard to even get his Hypercharge in showdown“, opposing the general consensus of the character being an ‘easy win’ for unskilled players.

Through this discussion it is apparent that users have varying views on the character Edgar. Each perspective offers a unique look at the game’s mechanics, the needed skill set and the surrounding fan culture. The central crux is the concern of character balancing – balancing Edgar’s abilities so as to provide a fair game-play and yet not compromising on the interest of the players.