Brawl Stars: Gale or Aquamarine Sprout as the Ranked Skin?

Find out why there's confusion regarding Gale being the ranked skin in Brawl Stars. Is it Gale or Aquamarine Sprout?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Brawl Stars, confusion reigns supreme as players debate whether Gale or Aquamarine Sprout is the true ranked skin.


  • Players divided on Gale vs. Aquamarine Sprout as ranked skin.
  • Confusion due to unclear communication in game.
  • Different interpretations lead to heated discussions.
  • Hype waning over earning ranked skins.

Is Gale the True Ranked Skin?

The community is split, with some believing Gale is the ranked skin due to a communication misstep during a game event where rankings were discussed. Some users suggest that a subtitle error led to the confusion which could have been clarified by intonation.

Aquamarine Sprout or Gale for the Win?

Others argue in favor of Aquamarine Sprout, citing its legendary skin appearance and the anticipation of upcoming sneak peeks to confirm the status of the skin. The excitement around acquiring new skins continues to grow among players.

Rewards Based on Luck?

However, not all players are thrilled about the prospect of earning ranked skins, expressing disappointment in the reliance on luck rather than skill. The lack of a clear progression system has dampened the enthusiasm for obtaining these coveted cosmetic upgrades.

The debate rages on within the Brawl Stars community as players eagerly await further updates and clarifications regarding the coveted ranked skin.