Brawl Stars: Gamers Sound Off on New Modifiers

Brawl Stars players voice their strong opinions on the latest ranked modifiers. Are they a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars has stirred up a storm among its dedicated players with the introduction of new modifiers in the current season. From frustrations to creative suggestions, the subreddit is buzzing with varied reactions.


  • Gamers find the new modifiers in Brawl Stars to be polarizing; some enjoy the challenge while others feel it ruins the ranked experience.
  • The community is divided on specific modifiers, with ‘Gotta Go Fast’ receiving the most criticism for its impact on gameplay.
  • Players propose separate modes or tweaks to address concerns, showing a desire for balance and fair competition.
  • Suggestions range from adjusting trophy gains to banning certain modifiers, reflecting a nuanced understanding of game balance.

Frustrations with ‘Gotta Go Fast’

Player feedback on the ‘Gotta Go Fast’ modifier is overwhelmingly negative, with many citing its punishing nature for even minor mistakes. Some players express frustration at the high stakes and pressure it adds to ranked matches.

Healing Winds Debate

While ‘Healing Winds’ receives mixed reviews, with some acknowledging its potential strategic value, others raise concerns about its impact on competitive integrity.

Call for Balancing

Players call for a more balanced approach to modifiers in ranked play, emphasizing the need to preserve the core competitive experience while introducing fresh elements.

The passionate discussions on Brawl Stars subreddit showcase the community’s investment in the game’s future and their commitment to fostering a fair and engaging environment for all players.