Brawl Stars: How to Nerf This Gadget – Community Suggestions

Check out what the Brawl Stars community thinks how this gadget should be nerfed.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the best ways to nerf a powerful gadget in Brawl Stars can lead to some creative and humorous suggestions from the community. Here’s a look at what players are saying about one particular gadget that’s causing some headaches in the game.


  • Players propose various changes to balance a powerful gadget.
  • Community members suggest tweaking cooldowns and functionalities.
  • Some ideas involve adding delays or limitations to the gadget’s usage.

Community Ideas

One player suggests tweaking the duration of the gadget, making it irrelevant once the character leaves a specific area. Another user proposes a cooldown mechanism that kicks in after the character exits the realm, affecting the overall gadget’s usability.

Player Feedback

Another community member suggests inserting delays in the gadget’s activation, akin to other character abilities in the game. Such changes could balance out the gadget’s power and make for more strategic gameplay.

Humorous Suggestions

Some players take a more humorous approach, proposing extreme changes like instant death upon using the gadget or making the character a sitting duck while utilizing it. While these ideas may be comical, they showcase the community’s diverse thinking on game balance.

As the Brawl Stars community continues to brainstorm and share ideas on balancing game elements, it’s evident that player input plays a significant role in shaping the gaming experience. Through passionate discussions and creative suggestions, gamers contribute to fostering a dynamic and engaging gameplay environment.