Brawl Stars: Is the Wasteland Skin Set Underrated?

Are Brawl Stars fans sleeping on the wasteland skin set? Let's dive into the Reddit discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars fans are debating the underrated status of the wasteland skin set. The Reddit post discusses the community’s mixed opinions on these skins.


  • Opinions vary from underrated to overrated within the wasteland skin set.
  • Some players appreciate the uniqueness of these skins.
  • Others believe certain skins like Milk Hank are highly rated.

Hydreilover Sparks the Debate

The Reddit post by hydreilover ignites a fiery discussion among Brawl Stars fans regarding the wasteland skin set. Some users express their love for specific skins, while others remain indifferent or critical.

Fan Favorites and Controversial Picks

Keerpresser464 mentions the popularity of the Hank skin, contrasting with CoolLogarithm’s preference for Raider Cordelius. The diversity in opinions showcases the range of tastes among players.

Unheard Voices and Underrated Gems

Darkflame4455 admits to never hearing discussions about the wasteland skins, while 5b2137692022 enjoys playing with Maisie despite the lack of buzz around the set. The clash between visibility and personal enjoyment adds depth to the conversation.

Equality in Skins?

Equalibrium77 boasts a near-complete collection of the set, highlighting the appeal of these skins to dedicated players. Meanwhile, Colette_haha praises the set with a caveat about Milk Hank, indicating that even fan favorites have their nuances.

The Verdict: Theme Triumphs

Tootit_ha_malka declares the wasteland skin set to be one of the best themes, emphasizing the collective aesthetic impact of the designs. Conversely, Natural_Radio_104 bluntly dismisses El Atomico as a lackluster addition, showcasing the spectrum of opinions within the community.

In a sea of skins, the wasteland set’s reputation remains a topic of debate among Brawl Stars enthusiasts. From hidden gems to fan favorites, each skin evokes a unique response from players, shaping the ongoing narrative of in-game aesthetics.