Brawl Stars: Is this skin prawn ready?

Discover the community's reactions to a potential new skin in Brawl Stars - is it a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready for some prawn-tastic action in Brawl Stars? A Reddit post has the community buzzing about a potential new skin design. Let’s dive into the speculation and excitement swirling around this thematic concept.


  • Players excited about new skin design
  • Community suggests unique kill effect
  • Artist promises improvements based on positive feedback

Community Reactions

“Hank’s gonna kill you cause you’re COOKING,” joked one user, referring to the theme of the skin being seafood-related. The humor in the comment reflects the lighthearted and playful nature of the community.

Improvement Promises

The artist behind the skin design expressed gratitude for the positive comments and pledged to enhance the concept further. This proactive engagement with the community showcases a dedication to delivering quality content.

Player Excitement

Comments like “OF COURSE!” and “Oh I LOVE THIS!!! Good job!” demonstrate the enthusiasm and approval the community has for the potential new skin. The positive reception indicates a strong desire for innovative and engaging content in Brawl Stars.