Brawl Stars: Players Share Mixed Reactions to 5 Legendary Star Drops

Players in the Brawl Stars subreddit are buzzing about their recent 5 legendary star drops, with reactions ranging from excitement to disappointment.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Brawl Stars, players recently experienced a wave of mixed emotions with the 5 legendary star drops, as they shared their loot and opinions.


  • Players express varied emotions over the 5 legendary star drops.
  • Some celebrate their loot with excitement, while others feel let down.
  • The community highlights both positive and negative outcomes from the star drops.

Reactions to Loot

Some players, like HourlyPain28, shared their excitement, mentioning, “I got Bibi hyper charge, 3 skins, and a star power for willow I won’t ever use…” This positive sentiment was a common theme among those who obtained desirable rewards.

Disappointment Among Players

However, not all players were satisfied. Alternative_Fruit_95 expressed disappointment, stating, “4 useless super rare skins and 1000 credits to fame. No actual brawler progression—that’s sad.” This sentiment was echoed by others who felt let down by their rewards.

Overall Community Sentiment

The general sentiment within the Brawl Stars community seems split between those who struck gold with their loot and those who felt underwhelmed. Despite the mixed reactions, players continue to engage and share their experiences, creating a vibrant discussion surrounding the 5 legendary star drops.

In the end, it’s clear that the Brawl Stars community thrives on these moments of excitement and disappointment, forming a tapestry of shared emotions and experiences that bond players together in the world of mobile gaming.