Brawl Stars: Realizing The Human Behind The Screen

Discover the emotional rollercoaster of remembering your opponents are real people in Brawl Stars.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is a game that often brings out the competitive side in players, but sometimes we forget that behind every screen is a real person experiencing the highs and lows of each match.


  • Players emotionally connect with opponents.
  • Suggestions to improve ranked matchmaking.
  • Desire for competitive integrity.

Connecting Emotionally

When facing real opponents in Brawl Stars, the dynamics change. Users like YeahSpooksy acknowledge this with a simple ‘fr tho,’ encapsulating the emotional response many players feel.

Ranked Matchmaking Woes

The community expresses frustration with the current state of ranked matchmaking, as seen with AnonymousBeardie suggesting that more prerequisites like gadgets and starpowers should be required for ranked play.

Competitive Integrity

Players like F-54 voice concerns about the disparity in player levels in ranked matches, advocating for a more balanced system to enhance competitive fairness.

Overall, the community’s collective sentiment showcases the passion and desire for improvement within the game.