Brawl Stars: Reddit’s Mega Thread Chaos

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars subreddit is buzzing with discussions ranging from which Brawler to choose to connectivity issues.


  • Players debate on the worthiness of in-game purchases.
  • Community shares frustrations with certain Brawlers dominating the game.
  • Strategies and bans in different modes spark diverse opinions.
  • Connectivity problems plague players, impacting their gameplay experience.

Worth the Gems?

One player asks if purchasing Rico’s HC bundle with gems is a smart move or if they should wait.

Brawler Woes

A player expresses disdain for the abundance of Edgars in the game, leading to a tedious gameplay experience.

Strategic Bans

Discussions arise on the best bans for each modifier and mode, with Frank being a common target due to his dominance in the meta.

Connection Woes

Players grumble about connection issues forcing them to toggle between Wi-Fi and mobile data frequently during matches.