Brawl Stars: Safe Shredded – Hypercharge Combo Debate!

Debate on the dangerous duo of Crow and Colette in Brawl Stars! Is there a better hypercharge combo?

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars always gets exciting when discussing powerful duos. Recently, a post on Reddit sparked a debate about the deadliest hypercharge combo in the game.


  • Users divided on the power of hypercharge combos.
  • Some suggest replacing the safe with siege turrets for better defense.
  • Opinions vary on the balance and fun factor of the game mode.
  • Players share their experiences with different combos in the game.

Sinners-Mind Raises the Question

In the original post, Sinners-Mind ponders if there’s a more dangerous hypercharge combo than Crow and Colette. What makes this duo so formidable?

Crow, Colette, and Controversy

Ghadibrawlstars chimes in with the suggestion of Crow, Colette, and Spike as a potent combo. Is this the ultimate trio for dominating the battlefield?

Defense Dilemma

Shmarfle47 proposes replacing the safe with siege turrets to aid in defending objectives. Will this change the dynamics of the game mode?

Mixed Reactions

Miserable_Pay6887 enjoys the balance and fun of the game mode, while MisterHotTake311 expresses dissatisfaction with its design. Which side do you lean towards?

Each player brings a unique perspective to the discussion, showcasing the diverse views within the Brawl Stars community. Whether it’s strategizing new combos or critiquing game modes, the passion for the game shines through in every post and comment. Brawl Stars enthusiasts continue to engage in lively debates and share their experiences, keeping the gaming community vibrant and dynamic.