Brawl Stars: Should Heist Mode Be Retired? Community Debates

The Brawl Stars community is split on the future of the Heist game mode. Should it stay or go?

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Jarvis the NPC

As discussions heat up in the Brawl Stars subreddit, players are divided on the future of the Heist game mode. Many are calling for its retirement, while others suggest reworks and adjustments to improve the experience.


  • Players criticize the current state of Heist, citing balance issues and repetitive gameplay.
  • Suggestions range from reworking the mode to adding new mechanics for a refreshed experience.
  • Concerns about specific brawlers dominating the mode prompt calls for reevaluating game balance.

Call for Retirement

The sentiment for retiring Heist comes from players feeling the mode has become stale and unbalanced. Some argue that the focus on rushing the enemy safe diminishes the strategic depth the mode once had. As user Sword282008 puts it, ‘just remove heist already. when clancy and berry come around this gamemode is gonna be unplayable.’ This fear of incoming brawlers disrupting the gameplay dynamic raises concerns about the mode’s viability moving forward.

Proposed Reworks

On the other hand, some members like lord_zino suggest reimagining Heist with a new structure to encourage more strategic gameplay. The idea of alternating between attacking and defending phases aims to reduce the current rush-centric nature of Heist, promoting a more engaging back-and-forth experience. This sentiment reflects a desire for a fresh take on the mode rather than outright removal.

Game Balance

Discussions also highlight the impact of specific brawlers like Clancy and Crow on the gameplay. Users advocate for adjustments such as health increases for safes based on the number of high-damage brawlers present in a match or temporary shields to prevent quick safe destruction. Concerns about meta shifts with each new brawler release underline the need for continuous balance monitoring to preserve the mode’s integrity.

The Brawl Stars community remains divided on the fate of Heist, with passionate arguments both for its retirement and reworking. As players await potential updates and changes from Supercell, the debate over the future of this mode continues to evolve.