Brawl Stars Showdown: The Most Annoying Brawlers According to Players

A roundup of player opinions on the most frustrating characters in Brawl Stars. Who made the list?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the popular mobile game, Brawl Stars, every player has that one character they dread facing off against. Between their unique abilities and the sometimes-aggravating strategies they stimulate, these brawlers can become quite a nuisance in the heat of battle. A recent public opinion poll surfaced on a popular platform, where a user named ‘spaiku_bs’ asked their fellow Brawl Stars compatriots to discuss what they consider the most annoying brawlers in the game.


  • Brawl Stars players share their opinion on the game’s most irksome characters.
  • A combination of damage output, range, and recharge rate contribute to a character’s perceived annoyance factor.
  • The perception of which brawler is most annoying varies significantly among individual players.

Diverse Opinions

Contrary to what one might expect, the players’ responses did not converge on a single character or a specific set of characters. Some users like ‘________________sus‘ and ‘destructionleon‘ mentioned characters like dyna, fang, kit, and mico sparingly. These names might be surprising as they are not often at the top of typical ‘most powerful’ lists within the fanbase.

The Underrated Annoyance of Poco

Interestingly, a player by the handle ‘Skeleton_Gangster_TV‘ pointed out that Poco, despite his low damage, proves to be surprisingly bothersome due to his long-range attack and elusive super. Many players can attest to the frustration of being just a single hit away from defeating Poco, only for him to get the better of them with his timely super.

An Array of Annoyances

Nitro_Kirby‘, another user, listed several other brawlers such as Dynamike, Fang, Mico, Kit, Charlie, and Maisie as potential annoyances. It’s clear that different brawlers strike a nerve with different players, and ultimately, it seems no character is safe from being labeled as ‘annoying’. The choice of who to play with or against relies heavily on individual playstyles, strategies, and experiences.

Everyone has their list of pet peeves when it comes to characters in Brawl Stars, be it the hard-hitting Mr. P, the elusive dynamike, or even the overbearing presence of that one green dinosaur (we’re looking at you, ‘Autoaiming_Maisie_Ma‘). Still, the bottom line remains that the ‘annoyance’ of a character is largely subjective and highly intertwined with one’s playstyle, skill level, and personal preferences.