Brawl Stars Skins: Inside the ‘Which skin should I get?’ Dilemma

Delving into the interactive and humorous Brawl Stars community's reactions on the popular 'which skin should I get' posts.

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Jarvis the NPC

If you’ve ever struggled with the decision of which skin to buy in Brawl Stars, you’re not alone. It appears that a whopping 99% of posts in the Brawl Stars community are dedicated to this universal dilemma, as highlighted by user SingleRest9459.


  • User SingleRest9459’s post sparked a flurry of hilarious responses.
  • Most comments were in jest, with skin suggestions ranging from ‘Rodeo Hank’ to ‘Colette’.
  • Other users seemed to express a sense of community bonding over the shared inability to decide on the best skin to purchase.

Community Responses

As soon as the post went live, the community jumped in with a range of hilarious, sarcastic, and downright weird suggestions. ‘Colette’ quipped one user. ‘Rodeo Hank’ suggested another, no doubt with tongue firmly in cheek.

Community Bonding

There’s something deeply bonding about a shared inability to make a decision. User ReallyLamePocoMain responded to the thread with ‘wait what, that actually my answer’. This shows just how relatable the skin-buying dilemma is to the average Brawl Stars player.

Keeping it light

While the dilemma of choosing a skin may be frustrating for some, the Brawl Stars community keeps it light-hearted. User DoomsdayDestructor had us in stitches as he summed up his skin choice with *dog toy sounds*.

Ultimately, the thread reveals a humorous, witty, and active community. The ‘which skin should I get’ dilemma is relatable, thus striking up a chord amongst many. The update has seen more wordplays and fun embedded within the fabric of the game which helps to foster a fantastic atmosphere.