Brawl Stars Subtle Pros: Unconscious Mastery of Forgotten Brawlers

Discover the Brawl Stars' characters that are undervalued yet exceptionally valuable - all according to the players themselves.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars’ universe boasts a rich variety of brawlers, each with unique abilities and strengths. A recent online discussion sparked by user ‘crack_Dealer_5988’, however, uncovers the underdogs of Brawl Stars – brawlers gamers think they seldom use, yet have mysteriously high mastery levels.


  • Players often rack up high mastery levels with brawlers they believe they seldom use, leading to pleasantly surprising revelations.
  • Brawlers such as Fang, Bull, Spike, Dynamike are mentioned by the gamers.
  • Reasons vary – some look for game improvement while others avoid ruining opponents’ day!

Player Insights

Players’ revelations and reflections paint a vibrant picture of the Brawl Stars universe. User ‘ExcitingCranberry314’ admits to a confused alliance with ‘bull’ – disdain for teaming up yet a strange attraction to the showdown.

Underdog Brawlers

A slew of underused brawlers emerged from this discussion. Characters such as ‘Darryl’, ‘Surge’, ‘Maisie’, and ‘Chuck’ barely get game time even if they’re silver or bronze rated. As ‘WorstKitMainEver’ wittily put, they binged on Maisie when she was launched, then never again.

The Why Factor

The reasons for these unconscious masteries are as varied and unique as the players themselves. Some, like ‘Den_137_official’, avoid certain Brawlers like ‘Spike’ and ‘Dynamike’ simply because hypercharges make the game ‘easy as hell’. While others, such as ‘crack_Dealer_5988’, restrain themselves from using high-rated brawlers like ‘Fang’ just to get better at the game.

Unraveling the enigma of these surprise mastery levels reveals a subtly nuanced facet of Brawl Stars where players, intentionally or not, make exceptional use of specific brawlers. We might not realize it, but our meilleurs amis might just be waiting in the shadows, ready to shine when we least expect it. Who knows, your unwitting champion may just be an underdog like ‘Darryl’ or a silenced ‘Silver Belle’. Happy gaming, Brawlers!