Brawl Stars: The F2P Pain – Why Are Coins So Scarce?

Discover why Brawl Stars players are feeling the sting of a big coin shortage in this insightful article.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars players are voicing their frustrations about the scarcity of coins, despite having an abundance of power points.


  • Players feel the removal of boxes and changes to in-game costs are exacerbating the coin shortage.
  • The shift towards gold-based upgrades has made coins crucial and scarce.
  • Many players perceive gold as a pay-to-win currency, limiting the F2P experience.

Players’ Perspectives

One player noted, ‘Golds are like real money, if you don’t pay to win, it would be very scarce,’ capturing the sentiment that in-game currency feels unattainable without spending.

Community Concerns

Another player highlighted the issue, suggesting an alternative upgrade system that separates power points and coins for different purposes, reflecting a desire for a more balanced economy in the game.

Upgrade Dilemma

A player lamented, ‘I’m on a PowerPoint shortage,’ showcasing the struggle some face in managing resources effectively in the game.