Brawl Stars: What Skins Did the Community Vote for?

Find out what Brawl Stars skins the community voted for and why! See which ones were fan favorites and which disappointed players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the skin choices in Brawl Stars? SAGE-654 asked the community what they voted for, drawing a mix of excitement and disappointment.


  • Players were divided over skin choices.
  • Some preferred Admiral Belle, while others wanted Toxic Belle.
  • Community had mixed feelings towards Barbie and Stalin skins.

Gamer Community Reactions

GamerPlayz0909 humorously mentioned a public execution if Dragon Belle was chosen but voted for Admiral Belle instead.

uwushiteater kept it simple and straightforward with their choice of the 2nd option.

ExpertAd4015 and plays_david22 showed preference towards Admiral Belle and Toxic Belle, respectively.

Player Discontent

squirreLdr0wner expressed disappointment over the edgy nature of the winning skin, feeling it didn’t suit their Belle main playstyle.

56kul revealed a preference for a different foxy businesswoman skin, expressing surprise it didn’t make the cut.

Unexpected Errors

Malice_of_Abyss encountered an error during voting, preventing them from making a choice.

fireL0rd3000 simply stated their preference for the Toxic skin option.

Mending87 found the Barbie skin appealing, contrasting with the sentiment of other players.

Overall, the community’s divergent opinions showcased the varied tastes within the Brawl Stars player base.