Brawl Stars: What’s Your Highest Kill Count in a Ranked Game?

Discover the craziest kill counts in Brawl Stars ranked matches! Spike, what were you doing?

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars players are sharing their epic moments, showcasing their killer instincts in intense ranked games. From jaw-dropping kill counts to questionable plays, the community is buzzing with excitement.


  • Players are achieving astonishing kill counts in ranked matches.
  • Some are baffled by high death counts and questionable strategies.
  • Community members share their own impressive game moments and records.

Player Reactions

One user exclaimed in disbelief, “10 to 36 is diabolical 💀”. Meanwhile, another player praised, “Spike carried”. The community is a mix of awe and humor as they react to these intense games.

From a somber, “Why can’t I have u in my team 😔” to a bewildered, “What the heck was that spike doing,” emotions vary but passion for the game remains undeniable.

Players are reminiscing about their personal bests, with one sharing, “Mine record in ranked was probably 20/1 on Piper”. The competitive spirit is alive and well in the Brawl Stars community.

The Brawl Continues

As the players swap stories of epic victories and crushing defeats, one thing is clear – the excitement and camaraderie of Brawl Stars players know no bounds. So, what’s your highest kill count in a ranked game?