Brawl Stars: Who Deserves Hypercharge for a Powerful Upgrade?

Exploring fan opinions on who should receive a powerful button upgrade in Brawl Stars.

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars is all about power-ups, and the community is buzzing over who should get the next big boost with Hypercharge! Let’s dive into the debate.


  • Fans are divided on which brawlers need a power boost, with debates ranging from Darryl’s standing to Penny’s need for a buff.
  • Tara’s lack of recognition and falling off in the meta are major concerns among players.
  • Suggestions like turning Penny’s cannon into a ballistic missile and praising autoaimer gadgets show the creative ideas within the community.

Darryl’s Dilemma

Some fans feel Darryl has been left in the dust, standing almost alone in the F tier. Despite his charm, players are clamoring for a boost to bring him back to prominence, keeping him as an S-tier contender in their hearts.

Penny’s Plea

Players are advocating for a buff to Penny, highlighting the potential for her cannon to pack a stronger punch with a ballistic missile effect, adding a new dynamic to her gameplay.

Tara’s Troubles

The community echoes concerns over Tara’s dwindling impact, pointing out her low health and recent power creep by new brawlers. Her super remains a standout, but her overall playability is under scrutiny.

Creative Ideas Galore

From turning Penny’s cannon into a missile launcher to praising unique gadget descriptions, the community showcases its imaginative suggestions for enhancing the gameplay experience in Brawl Stars.