Brawl Stars: Will Bibi Get the Buff She Desperately Needs?

Brawl Stars' community shares thoughts on giving buff to Bibi. Discovers mixed views.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the colorful world of Brawl Stars, characters (or Brawlers, as they are known in the game’s parlance) are regularly updated to keep gameplay balanced and intriguing. One such character that currently has the fanbase chatting is Bibi. A thread on the game’s community page has generated a lively discussion about whether this lovable Brawler needs a buff in her abilities.


  • Most users agree that Bibi could use a boost, but opinions diverge on the shape this should take.
  • Some users suggest attack and health improvements, while others are keen on specialized buffs.
  • The user satisfaction from the character’s current form is diverse – some love her as she is, while others find her lackluster.

User Opinions on Bibi

“Of the four brawlers desperately in need of buffs, Bibi is definitely the least talked about. I really hope they give her a buff, she deserves it,” says Masterdizzio. This sentiment is shared by others too, such as Battlebearsgold, who wouldn’t mind the super duration buff trait for Bibi but also suggests an alternative.

Bibi’s Buff – An Analysis

A closer look at the mentioned points from the original post brings us an intriguing predicament. The suggestion is that Bibi would be more fun and more playable with a buff, but the suggested specifics (a 4-6% health buff) seem somewhat meager. Several users indicate other ways of buffing Bibi, such as an attack or speed buff. This clearly reflects the diverse expectations from the gaming community.

Bibi from a Player’s Perspective

Some players have expressed content with Bibi’s current situation. “I main a bit Bibi and I think he IS fun. He just needs a tank trait,” says martinprox_YT. However, others critique the proposed changes as insufficient or ineffective. Lwadrian06 suggests a different approach, indicating that the buffs mentioned are kind of weak and suggesting an attack speed improvement or the addition of a slow effect to her bubble attack instead.

Throughout all of this, one thing is crystal clear – Brawl Stars’ Bibi has an ardent fan base rooting for her to shine a little brighter on the gaming stage. Whatever form her buff may take (if at all it does), it’s definitely a hot topic on the Brawl Stars’s gaming community horizon. Viva la Bibi!