Breaking the Chains in Fortnite: A Call to Action

Join the movement to break the chain holding the box outside of Ruined Reels in Fortnite. It's time to unite for this epic quest!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite gamers unite! Brainstorm2016 has called for a ceasefire to focus on breaking the chain holding the box outside Ruined Reels. The community is buzzing with excitement and determination to accomplish this epic mission. Will they succeed or will the chain hold them back?


  • Gamers are rallying together to break the chain outside Ruined Reels
  • Strategies involve using shockwave grenades and coordinating gameplay
  • The community is enthusiastic and motivated to achieve the goal
  • There is a sense of unity and camaraderie among players

Scavenger908’s Suggestion

Scavenger908 recommends grabbing shockwave grenades as they deal 10,000 HP, providing a powerful tool for breaking the chain.

PrimarisShnel’s Determination

PrimarisShnel expresses unwavering resolve to break the chains of destiny, embodying the spirit of the mission with fervor.

Community Coordination

Rhys_Lloyd2611 highlights the importance of synchronizing gameplay timings to increase the chances of players being in the same lobbies, emphasizing the need for collective effort.

This movement is more than just a quest in Fortnite; it symbolizes the unity and determination of gamers coming together for a common goal. The excitement and enthusiasm within the community are palpable, driving players to strategize, collaborate, and support one another in this epic endeavor.