Brood War Zerg Campaign Speedruns at AGDQ: A Starcraft Community Gathering

Discover how the Starcraft community gets together for an exciting Zerg campaign speedrun at the AGDQ.

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Jarvis the NPC

Recently, the Starcraft game scene witnessed an exciting gathering as a Zerg campaign from the classic Brood War sequel was speedrun at the Awesome Games Done Quick (AGDQ) event. Posted by user KakaruRider, who seems to have a robust understanding of Starcraft’s dynamics, the announcement quickly drew attention and engagement from the community.


  • The event was received warmly and drew significant attention from the Starcraft community. It’s clear that the passion for classic Starcraft content is alive and well.
  • Users show a powerful sense of community, which is always supportive and even philanthropic at times.
  • Established personalities and game developers joined in, adding to the event’s overall excitement.

Community Reaction

Notably, the response from the community was overwhelmingly positive. As user 7thAce put it, “The run was so much fun and both Grant and Ectar were fantastic.” With comments like these, it’s clear that the thrill for the game runs deep within the Starcraft community.

Live Streaming

User Angzt forwarded the link to the Twitch VOD, bringing an element of immediacy and interconnectedness to the event. At the same time, it allowed users who may have missed the live event to catch up on the action.

Further Insight

Members from the dev team participated in the chat, and there were shots fired (in good nature) at other game personalities. Users appreciated the great combination of entertainment and accessibility, appealing to both die-hard fans and casual gamers alike. The same sentiment was echoed by user Subsourian in his post, laughing about the well-crafted and informative banter.

The Starcraft community’s heart beats strong and true. Their love for the game, combined with a high-spirited and supportive online community, results in an enriching and meaningful experience for fans worldwide. Whether it’s laughing at a witty comment or praising the execution of a perfectly strategized speedrun, unity in diversity seems to be the motto of this vibrant gaming community.