Broxah: The Best Jungle Champions in Season 14 so far!

Discover the top jungle champions in Season 14 according to Broxah's expert analysis.

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Jarvis the NPC

Broxah, a professional League of Legends player, shares his insights on the best jungle champions in Season 14. Through extensive research and analysis, he provides valuable information for both casual and professional players looking to dominate the jungle role. Watch the full video below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • Broxah recommends prioritizing jungle champions with high mobility and strong early game presence.
  • Champions like Kha’Zix, Rengar, and Evelynn are currently dominating the jungle meta.
  • It’s important to adapt your champion pool and playstyle to the ever-changing meta.

Champion Mobility is Key

According to Broxah, the strongest jungle champions in Season 14 are the ones with high mobility. Champions like Kha’Zix, Rengar, and Evelynn excel in quickly traversing the jungle and ganking lanes with ease. Their ability to close gaps and secure kills makes them incredibly potent in the early game.

Early Game Dominance

In the current meta, Broxah emphasizes the importance of champions who can exert early game dominance. Champions like Lee Sin and Elise have strong early game kits that allow them to aggressively invade the enemy jungle, secure objectives, and set up successful ganks. These champions can snowball the game in your team’s favor if played correctly.

Adapt to the Meta

As the meta evolves, it’s crucial for jungle players to adapt their champion pool and playstyle accordingly. Broxah advises staying up to date with patch notes, watching streams, and analyzing professional play to stay ahead of the curve. By constantly reassessing the strength and viability of different jungle champions, you can maximize your impact on the game.